About me

Madelene van Beuzekom
Creative Producer
Entertainment on Ice was founded by former professional show skater Madelene van Beuzekom in 2016.
The vision of Entertainment on Ice is:
To share the beauty of skating with the world
Our mission is to use the ice surface as a stage. A stage for skating - shows, excitement, admiration, experience, development and education and to share this with the audience. This way we create more awareness for the beauty of ice-skating.
Our goal is to create entertainment on Ice to differentiate in the skating experience of the audience. Our concepts are focused on amusement so that the audience will experience and look at the ice rink with other eyes.
The power of Entertainment on Ice lays in creating and producing entertainment concepts that take place on an ice surface. This can be a skating show or other kind of event that takes place in an ice-rink or at mobile ice-floors. The aim is to create concepts that appeal to the target audiences and connect to the clients objections.